Founded in 1968, TDC has been operating for over 50 years, developing affordable housing in Boston’s historic South End neighborhood. TDC was conceived and organized by low income renters, principally African-American tenants, who were distressed over the sub-standard and hazardous housing conditions to which they were subjected to live in many areas of the South End.
TDC became the first community organization in the nation to be named developer of a housing development project holding mortgage insurance through the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (H.U.D.) Section 236 Program of the National Housing Act. Since that time the organization has been active in housing rehabilitation and management.
Upon successfully completing the first development, South End Tenants’ I (SETHI), which consists of twenty (20) brownstone rowhouses TDC embarked upon the second phase. This project, South End Tenant Houses II (SETH II), consisted of thirty-six (36) brownstone rowhouses, twenty-one (21) of which are scattered along Massachusetts Avenue.
The joint venture, TDC and Associates. undertook a $3.8 million project. The rehabilitation construction provided 185 low to moderate unit for the residents of Boston. TDC still serves as the managing general partner and is responsible for the day-to-day operations.
After many years of negotiations with the City of Boston and other community groups, TDC embarked on yet another phase—TDC III. This project was a combination of new construction and rehabilitation of 59 units on Massachusetts Avenue. At 400 Massachusetts Avenue (The Dawson-Longley Apartments) TDC built 45 apartments in an eight-story structure with ground floor commercial space; these units vary in size from 1 to 4 bedrooms at market and subsidized rental rates.
In addition to this construction, TDC completed rehabilitating three historic townhouses at 395, 397, and 588 Massachusetts Avenue. TDC is particularly proud to have restored the building at 397 Massachusetts Avenue where The Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King, Jr. lived during the early years of his doctoral studies at the Boston University’s School of Theology.
After successfully negotiating with the City of Boston and community groups, TDC rehabilitated the “Old Harry the Greek” block located on East Berkeley Street in the South End. This project called–THE ROMEY MARC TYLER CONDOMINIUMS–is a mixed-income affordable housing development.
Mary Longley | Marion Dawson |
Juanda Drumgold | Lena Freeman |
Ethelbert Griffith | Dr. Theodore Parrish |
Leon Williams | Carolyn Williams |