Working Together...
to provide safe &
affordable housing.
The Beginning
of Our Legacy
Preserving Our Past,
Building Our Future
Our Future

About Us

TDC is a property management and development organization.  Located in Boston’s Historic South End. TDC was established in 1968 as a tax-exempt public charitable corporation.   Since that time, the organization has been actively involved in housing rehabilitation and management.   

As we grow, our goals are to increase the number of affordable housing available for low-to-moderate-income individuals and families.

Our secondary goal is to expand TDC’s role in the community by increasing the number of programs, events, and services offered to the TDC residents, neighbors, and the community throughout Greater Boston.

TDC is committed to bringing together the assets of TDC residents, neighbors, community leaders, and the organization to promote the well-being of youth, adults, seniors, and families that are underserved or at risk.

We believe that building a strong community that supports residents and neighbors must begin by improving the safety, living conditions, health, education, lifestyle, and economic conditions of low-to-moderate income TDC residents and neighbors in Boston’s historic South End and Greater Boston.